Lincoln landlord handed fine following fire safety breaches
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26 February 2018
A rogue Lincoln landlord has been ordered to pay more than £10,000 after he was prosecuted for an unsafe property – for a second time.
The City of Lincoln Council won a second legal battle against Mr Abdol Ali Javid Keshmiri, who was ordered to pay £10,123.30 in fines and costs for a property which failed to comply with safety.
The terraced house, which was converted into two flats, was inspected in June 2017 following a complaint from a member of the public.
The House in Multiple Occupation was occupied by a family of four including two young children in the upstairs flat and by a single person in the downstairs flat.
The property had several breaches of fire safety requirements including a failure to provide adequate fire separation when the property was converted without planning permission or building regulations approval.
Fire alarms were missing and doors were sealed shut and wallpapered over, which would not prevent the spread of fire.
The ceilings had also not been upgraded to prevent the spread of fire.
Another window in the downstairs bedroom did not open and could not have been used to escape from fire.
Keshmiri was previously convicted and charged £8,253.38 in October 2016 for 11 similar offences at a property on Ely Street.
Hannah Cann, Private Housing Team Leader of City of Lincoln Council, said: “We are extremely concerned with landlords who have created unsafe flats in Lincoln by dividing up properties without complying with Building Regulation requirements.”
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