Joint FIRESA Council and CFOA Seminar a Notable Success
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05 December 2014
FIRESA Council teamed up with CFOA as part of our partnership commitment to offer a seminar entitled ‘Working for the Future of Fire and Rescue’ that took place at the Fire Service College on 2nd December.
With fundamental changes taking place to our Fire and Rescue Services, it is clear that their collective mode of operation will be very different in just a few years than it is now. Recognising that much of this evolution will be driven by a partnership of the FRSs with the suppliers to the sector, the event provided an indispensable focal point for the collaboration of Fire and Rescue practitioners with their product and service providers. An informative and thought-provoking programme enabled delegates to receive a detailed understanding of the relevant issues and to empower both FRS personnel and industry suppliers to be active participants in the future of our Fire and Rescue Services.
Here are some immediate thoughts on the day………..
‘As a FIRESA council member I was delighted that the CFOA/FIRESA seminar was a great success. It has now set the framework to work as a partnership with CFOA, the Fire Service, central and local government in the future’. Suzanne Prince, WL Gore
‘I felt that the CFOA/FIRESA seminar was an excellent platform to highlight the joined up working between both associations. I was proud and privileged to be involved with an event that attracted the calibre of speakers we had on the day. This certainly has put FIRESA Council on the map and will hopefully show prospective members the value of being part of the FIA/FIRESA Council.’ Lesley Wardle, Primetech.
‘In my opinion the joint CFOA – FIA/FIRESA event of the 2nd December created a real inflection point; Penny Mordaunt MP stated the need for the FRAs to drive change with an increased pace [!], suggesting that technology [and thereby industry] had a significant role to play in the future of the Fire Service. Robert Scott of the Scottish Fire Service gave a poignant insight into changes made there which actually served as an excellent warning to the 46 FRAs in England to take control of their own destiny. The suggested central hub for procurement appears to offer opportunities, but equally potential threats, so the question is, can you afford not to be part of this debate? Join the FIA/FIRESA and get involved!’. Andy Barber, Antares TDC.