All you need to know about the FIA's Councils and Working Groups
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28 June 2021
The FIA is structured into 7 councils, each covering a different sector of the industry. Each council oversees various working groups, special interest groups and committees. Over the years FIA councils have successfully influenced a range of Government legislation and British Standards and have provided a wealth of guidance documents for the industry. If you want to be at the heart of shaping the Fire Industry then this is the place you need to be.
FIA Councils consist of 15 elected individuals from member companies. Elections are held each year at the AGM in November and anyone from within a member company can put themselves forward as a candidate. During the year, it may be the case for various reasons that some of the councils have vacancies available. When that is the case, anyone from any member can apply to be accepted by the council to fill the vacancy. Please visit our website to see the full information on each council and also the below table showing which council have vacancies currently and how to apply.
Please email [email protected], who will let you know if there any space on the relevant council
Council |
FD&A |
Extinguishing |
Services |
Fire Risk Assessment |
Fire Engineering |
Export |
Working Groups/Special Interest Groups:
Under the councils, there are many different WG’s & SIG’s set up to deal with specific issues within the industry. Anyone who works for an FIA member company can apply to join a working group at any time they wish. Below is a list of some of the most active groups.
FIA UKCA Special Interest Group (SIG)
Chaired by Paul Pope, this SIG includes a wide selection of our members that are concerned about the UKCA mark, the timeline to transition to it and its wider impact.
Main focus/achievements:
- Constantly communicating with the Government through formal letters to several relevant departments and meeting with key stakeholders to raise the profile of this issue.
- Collaborated with the UK Approved Bodies to create a comprehensive guide to the UKCA mark to assist our members to transition to the UKCA mark as currently, it is unclear.
- The SIG is included in the creation and approval of the letters and their contributions shape the content of the meetings that are being held on this issue.
Please email [email protected] to register your interest and get involved.
FIA Internet of Things (IoT) Special Interest Group (SIG)
Chaired by Andy Speake, the FIA has started a new shared, productive and necessary dialogue around IoT in the fire industry, this SIG aims to highlight and then tackle barriers that are associated with working with IoT in the fire industry. This SIG provides a great platform for IoT to be discussed and progress to be made.
Main focus/achievements:
- A priority of the SIG beyond providing a platform for our industry to discuss and work on IoT is to assess what specific barriers that businesses need help with.
- Our report found that the biggest barriers were:
- standard and regulations
- technology not being ready
- Internal skill levels
- lack of awareness from customers on the benefits of IoT
- Our SIG aims to tackle these barriers through:
- providing a platform for IoT to be discussed
- producing Best Practise Guides and Fact Files
- influencing, guiding and creating standards
- making IoT content a centrepiece of our website
- writing in-depth reports on how IoT is being used in the industry
Please email [email protected] to register your interest and get involved.
Li-Ion Battery SIG
Cross council group responsible for collecting and collating data and information on the fire risk related to the increased use of Li-ion batteries. Comprised of FIA member and external experts – eg HSE/Faraday consortium-LiBris/NFCC/Subject experts
Main focus/achievements:
- Li-ion Battery guidance
Please email [email protected] to register your interest and get involved.
FIA Marketing Group
Chaired by Michelle Agius, the group includes nominated representatives from each of the Councils. The focus is on the promotional and marketing activities of the FIA fulfilling the goals of all members.
Main focus/achievements:
- Set up and review the annual FIA Marketing Plan
- Promotion of FIA membership- benefits and WIFM (What’s in it for me) strategy
- Promotion of Councils’ activities and new FIA Training
Please email [email protected] to register your interest and get involved.
Emergency Lighting Working Group
The Fire Industry Association life safety skill sets offer significant input and focus for emergency lighting. Incorporation of interested members to develop support and content for elements of BS 5266 part 1 2016 will be of serious benefit. The Chairman of BS 5266 Chris Watts is a member and is very keen to receive fire industry detail. As Chair of this ELWG Ian Watts is also the Convenor of CEN 169 WG3 working currently on the revision of EN 1838 which will provide a suitable link to our suggestions.
Main focus/achievements:
- Input and content review for revision of BS 5266 part 1 2016. Plans and development work proposing the best road map to achieve better levels of compliance.
- The design, installation, commissioning maintenance and testing of emergency lighting requires “competent engineers” this need is well suited to BAFE SP203-4 and so promotion of this level of competence fits well with the regulatory reform fire safety order.
- New technological developments incorporating both IoT, system monitoring to enable content suggestion and interaction to support the future revision of IEC BS EN 62034. Input from providers in line with the interface between emergency lighting and fire systems noted in BS 7273-6.
Please email [email protected] to register your interest and get involved.
Fire Detection and Alarms
FDWG 02 Fire Alarm Communications
Chaired by Mike Stonehouse, Working Group 2 provides industry input into the development and updating of related Standards including BS 5839-1 and EN 54-21. The group produces fact files and guidance documents that focus on the needs and objectives of the UK fire detection and alarm industry in relation to communication devices and their application.
Main focus/achievements:
- Guidance documents published on connecting FD&A systems to an ARC via a security alarm
- Guidance being produced on next-generation networks and the phase-out of PSTN
- Guidance being produced on IP connectivity and remote services
Please email [email protected] to register your interest and get involved.
Chaired by Angus Stone, Working Group 5 is primarily responsible for controlling and indicating equipment (CIE) and shadows the BSI committee FSH12/3. The group monitors, comments on and reviews developments in the market and Standards arena and develops guidance documents and fact files published on the FIA website.
Main focus/achievements:
- Guidance document produced on repeater panels
- Guidance document produced on BS 7273-6 – Interfacing with ancillary systems and equipment (ASE)
- Guidance document produced on BS 8629 – Evacuation alert systems
Please email [email protected] to register your interest and get involved.
FDWG 24 Wireless Systems
Chaired by Daniel King, the primary goal of the FIA Working Group 24 is to provide industry input into the development and updating of related product standards. The group is also responsible for producing fact files for use by the UK fire detection and alarm industry regarding radio linked devices and systems, and their application.
Main focus/achievements:
- Guidance document produced on the differences between wireless fire and security products
- Monitoring of SRD frequencies allocated by ETSI
- Monitoring the status of the revision of EN 54-25
Please email [email protected] to register your interest and get involved.
Smoke Alarm Devices
Chaired by Andy Speake, the smoke alarm devices working group is focussed on all topics relating to domestic smoke alarm devices within the UK. The Smoke Alarm Devices working group is a very active group providing input into the development and updating of related Standards and tends to meet quarterly either virtually or in person. The group also produces fact files and guidance on domestic market topics.
Main focus/achievements:
- Close liaison with British and European standards committees, technical groups and working groups.
- Development of various FIA fact files and information on domestic fire detection
- Actively progressing, promoting, and sharing knowledge within the domestic sector of the industry.
Please email [email protected] to register your interest and get involved.
FDWG3 - Fire Detection
Currently chaired by Bernard Laluvein, the Fire Detection WG addresses manufacturers issues of concerns related to the design, manufacturing, installation and compliance with published product standards for automatic fire detectors and manual call points. The group advises the FD&A Council on matters relevant to automatic or manual fire detection. The group also undertakes tasks as directed by the FD&A Council.
Main focus/achievements:
- Development of technical documents such as Fact Files, Codes of Practice and Guidance Documents for publication by the FIA to advise its members on the current state-of-the-art in fire detection matters.
- Provision of technical experts to participate in the drafting of new British, European and international standards and the reporting of progress on the introduction of new standards.
- Development and management of funded collaborative research projects, e.g. BRE Trust research on the performance of multi-sensor detectors and video fire detectors, and the divulging of progress and outcome of these research projects.
Please email [email protected] to register your interest and get involved.
FDWG27 – Alarm devices and alarm sub-systems
Currently chaired by Bernard Laluvein, FDWG27 addresses manufacturers issues relating to the design, manufacturing, installation and compliance with published product standards for alarm notification devices and alarm notification sub-systems. The group advises the FD&A Council on matters relevant to alarm notification devices and sub-systems. The group also undertakes tasks as directed by the FD&A Council.
Main focus/achievements:
- Development of technical documents such as Fact Files, Codes of Practice and Guidance Documents for publication by the FIA to advise its members on the current state-of-the-art in evacuation alarm devices and alarm sub-systems.
- Provision of technical experts to participate in the drafting of new British, European and international standards and the reporting progress on the development of new standards.
- Development and management of funded collaborative research projects, e.g. BRE Trust research on VADs, and the divulging of progress and outcome of these projects.
Please email [email protected] to register your interest and get involved.
Working Group Gases (WGG)
Reporting into Extinguishing Council responsible for all matters related to Gaseous Extinguishing Systems and Media and other systems as applicable such as Vehicle & Kitchen systems.
Nominates FIA expert to BSI’s, CEN and ISO Gaseous Extinguishing Committees
Provides experts FIA’s input to UK Gov (DEFRA) and via Euralarm EU Environmental regulations - F-Gas
Prepares FIA’s guidance for Gaseous Extinguishing Systems and Media and other systems as applicable
Main focus/achievements:
- Current projects: Joint research & collaboration project with FSSA on the effects of high airflow environments on gaseous fire extinguishing systems, further guidance on vehicle fire protection systems, extended discharges of gaseous systems, PED, labelling and signage, cabinet systems.
- The BFPSA code of practice covering gaseous fire extinguishing systems and on the pressure venting of enclosures directly influenced the development of the ISO 14520 and EN 15004 series of standards and ISO TS 21805 (soon to become a full ISO).
- FIA Guidance documents and Fact files on Gaseous systems, Vehicle and Kitchen systems, designed to enhance the safety and efficacy of fire extinguishing systems, including pipework, container handing, fan testing, periodic testing, agent recycling, guidance on the application of standards, interfacing between systems and many other subjects.
Please email [email protected] to register your interest and get involved.
Extinguisher Manufacturers Technical Committee (EMTC)
Description: Under Extinguishing Council responsible for all matters related to the manufacture of portable fire Extinguishers and the media contained in them.
Nominates FIA expert to BSI’s, CEN and ISO Portable Fire Extinguisher Manufacturing Committees
Prepares FIA’s guidance for Portable Fire Extinguisher related to manufacture
Main focus/achievements:
- Extinguisher guides – plastic components, Extinguishers and the ADR, CLP
- UK input to EN 3-7
Please email [email protected] to register your interest and get involved.
FIA/BAFSA Joint Watermist Group
Joint group with BAFSA intended to promote best practice in Watermist systems and provide the UK input to national and international watermist standards. The group has members from both associations covering manufacture, installation and servicing of watermist systems
Main focus/achievements:
- FIA/BAFSA watermist guidance
- Development of the BS 8489 series and BS 8458.
- Development of competency schemes for watermist
Please email [email protected] to register your interest and get involved.
Portable Service Committee (PSC)
Reporting to Services Council, PSC represents FIA members on all aspects of servicing of portable fire extinguishers. The group prepares FIA’s guidance for service organizations and individual technicians by publishing blogs, guidance notes, fact files, infographics on related matters. They also consider new products.
PSC sends an FIA expert to BSI’s FSH/2 committee to provide input to extinguisher installation, maintenance and refilling standards. It also liaises with external associations on their standards and codes.
Main focus/achievements:
- Extinguisher Advice guides for technicians to share with customers who need to have extinguishers remote from a building/premises which are not covered by fire standards by combining customer-industry guidance with fire industry knowledge. Amongst the environments covered to date are petrol forecourts, farms, buses, coaches, trains, open-air events, caravans and campsites etc.
- Leads the industry Extinguisher Use Survey on behalf of all the recognised British fire associations, which provides valuable data for the whole fire sector
- Environmental and safety advice related to extinguisher agents; their disposal and extinguishers which have reached end-of-life.
Please email [email protected] to register your interest and get involved.
Installer and Maintainers Section (I&MS)
Under Services Council responsible for all aspects of servicing of fire detection and alarm systems. Nominates FIA expert to BSI’s FSH/12 to support FIA input to BS 5839-1 the Service industries standard. Provides experts to BAFE for FIA’s input to the SP203 schemes. Prepares FIA’s guidance for service technicians.
Main focus/achievements:
- Powerpoint presentations on Changes to BS 5839-1 & 6
- The development of the CFOA (now NFCC) False alarms policy
- FIA Guidance related to BS 7273-4 door closers
Please email [email protected] to register your interest and get involved.
Market Intelligence Working Group
Chaired by Ray Puttock, the MI WG directs the Export Council’s aims in achieving relevant market information on key overseas territories and reviewing the outcomes of this work. This enables the Group to advise Council in respect of prospective FIA activity in priority countries as well as informing members as part of their company-specific export aspirations.
Main focus/achievements:
- Conduct of FIA Exporter Surveys and Workshops
- Development of a ‘Global Matrix’ of country Export parameters
- Close liaison with the Fire and Security Association of India following the signing of an MoU in 2020
Please email [email protected] to register your interest and get involved.
Events Working Group (Fire & Rescue)
Chaired by Lesley Routh-Jones, this Group provides focus on a range of primarily UK events in the Fire and Rescue arena, including exhibitions and seminars, in which the FIA may wish to become involved. In doing so, it contributes to Council’s aim of expanding its outreach throughout the sector and including non-public sector Fire and Rescue services.
Main focus/achievements:
- FIA collective presence at the Emergency Services Show in September
- Media partner for UK Rescue Organisation events
- Partnering with the National Fire Chiefs Council on prospective joint seminars
Please email [email protected] to register your interest and get involved.
Personal Protective Equipment [PPE] Working Group
The PPE sector within Fire and Rescue is a significant and often complex area in which many of our members participate. Chaired by Ian Callaghan, this WG provides a forum for experts in this arena to ensure that we are proactive in the numerous opportunities and demands in the field of PPE.
Main focus/achievements:
- WG member Abby Hannah acts as FIA delegate to the NFCC PPE Committee
- Focus on research in the field of firefighter contamination
- Provides delegates to PPE-related Standards Committees
Please email [email protected] to register your interest and get involved.
Fire Risk Assessment
Working Group Name: Professional Standards (FRA)
Chaired by Tom Simmonds, this new group aims to produce CPD advice and guidance for Risk Assessors.
Main focus/achievements:
- Broadly speaking we will develop a suite of online CPD for Risk Assessors
Please email [email protected] to register your interest and get involved.
Name |
Vacancies |
FIA Emergency Lighting Working Group (ELWG) |
Yes |
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