Hospital's evacuation plan is 'chaotic and confusing'
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29 July 2019
According to staff at Glasgow's Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, the fire evacuation procedures are 'chaotic and confusing' and are putting staff and patients at risk.
A staff member of the hospital released information that there are 'no designated fire wardens' and evacuation procedures are left to individual nurses.
The whistleblower explained how fire alarms are ignored by staff 'on every occasion' and patients are 'walking around in every direction', claiming the policy is not fit for a hospital of that size.
"Someone needs to seriously look at them before a serious fire takes place," the staff member said.
A spokeswoman for NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde said nominated staff form part of a 24/7 response team, who are responsible for evacuations.
She said, "The fire strategy for the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital was developed in consultation with a range of fire safety experts and has the required approvals from statutory and mandatory bodies.
"QEUH staff – around 10,000 people - undertook training before the hospital opened and signed to say they understood it."
However, she confirmed that "This member of staff’s concerns will be taken seriously and raised with our Facilities Managers and Fire Officers."
The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service declined to comment on the employee's concerns 'at this stage'.
Original Source
Glasgow Evening Times
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