11 February 2020

‘South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue spent the money fitting fire sprinklers in around 650 flats across the county in a bid to prompt owners of accommodation for mostly vulnerable residents to consider fire sprinklers as a long-term measure to keep their tenants safe.’

There were more than 20 separate projects were awarded funding, most of the money allocated was match-funded by the building owners themselves.

This project has been deemed a success for its inclusive nature. Over the 5 years, there were several high profile projects, in Sheffield, at the St Wilfrid’s centre a new sprinkler system was installed in a 20-bed residential project that houses adults with complex needs. What’s more, a South Yorkshire Housing Association where children with severe disabilities were awarded £28,000 to retrofit fire sprinklers. Finally, Churchfields Sheltered housing which mostly houses older people was awarded substantial funding which was used to install a new automatic sprinkler system.

‘Assistant Chief Fire Officer Steve Helps, said: “Fire Sprinkler systems can have a life span of well over 50 years, meaning this money will help to keep thousands of people safe in these buildings for decades to come.’
