ECHA received more than 5,600 comments on the PFAS restriction proposal
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13 October 2023
The results of this consultation have been nothing short of staggering. ECHA received an overwhelming response from concerned organisations, companies, and individuals, with more than 5,600 comments submitted.
At the end of the consultation on September 25, ECHA had received feedback from more than 4,400 different entities. The outpouring of responses underscores the global attention and concern surrounding PFAS and their potential harm to both the environment and human health.
ECHA's scientific committees for risk assessment (RAC) and socio-economic analysis (SEAC) will now meticulously review these comments. Those that provide evidence-based information will be taken into consideration during the decision-making process, reinforcing the agency's commitment to sound scientific evaluation.
It is worth noting that the five countries that originally prepared the proposal will also scrutinise the extensive input from the consultation. Based on the feedback received, these countries may choose to revise and enhance the initial proposal to further address the concerns raised by the public.
In a notable development, the Fire Industry Association (FIA) was among the many organisations that submitted comments on the proposal.
As the international community continues to grapple with the hazards associated with PFAS, the extensive public engagement in this consultation marks a significant step towards regulating and controlling these harmful substances.
The fate of the proposed PFAS restrictions now rests in the hands of the scientific committees and the involved countries, with an emphasis on the need for evidence-based decision-making.
For more information and updates on the PFAS restriction proposal, please visit ECHA's official website.
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