The undersigned organisations, which speak for the European fire safety sector, demand that European institutions give fire safety in buildings top priority and collaborate with Member States to create a plan for the protection of building occupants and workers from fire.

30 November 2023

Keeping EU citizens safe from fire in all buildings is a declaration that Euralarm is one of the signatories to.

The corporation emphasises that almost 450 million European Union residents will have the power to choose representatives to the European Parliament in 2024, allowing them to influence the agenda for the coming ten years. 90% of the time that these EU residents spend is inside buildings, whether they are at work, home, or engaged in other activities. They can move freely within the EU for business, education, or leisure. According to the company, people in Europe anticipate the same degree of fire safety from all buildings.

Since fire safety is impacted by several of the EU's core objectives, Euralarm and the other undersigned organisations feel that the EU should play a significant coordinating role in fire safety.

The group stated that putting more emphasis on fire safety will assist to achieve the goals of the EU Green Deal. According to the group, the EU needs to appropriately handle the growing safety issues associated with electrification solutions and other built environment improvements. They believe this is necessary to prevent the implementation of innovative sustainability and decarbonization technologies in EU buildings from being slowed down.

Affordable and safe fire safety designs

According to Euralarm, the EU has a duty to guarantee that the goods sold in this market are not only effective and reasonably priced, but also safe. As such, the EU's involvement in fire safety is intricately linked to the principles underlying the Single Market.

The European Union (EU) can provide a distinctive viewpoint that can enhance the advancement of fire safety knowledge and aid in addressing shared challenges among its member states by means of data collection, shared research, and experience sharing.

The co-signatories have stated that they do not wish to challenge the subsidiarity principle in the context of building codes; as a result, Member States should be allowed to continue designing their fire safety laws while taking local characteristics into account, such as building design solutions, materials, patterns of use, and climate. The undersigned parties, however, do think that building codes should not be the only thing that governs fire safety in structures.

The group stated that in order to achieve its goals regarding its shared and supporting competencies in the areas of tourism, energy, environment, human health, and consumer protection, the European Union may assist Member States by playing a coordinating role on fire safety.

Euralarm, ANEC, BSEF, CoGDEM, Concrete Europe, EAPFP, Eurolux, Europacable, European Fire Safety Alliance, European Fire Sprinkler Network, Eusas, FEEDS, Fire Safe Europe, IWMA, Modern Building Alliance, Pinfa, RICS, and SFPE are the signatories to the manifesto.

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