BS 5839-1 Fundamentals in FD&A Unit 1 (2 days)

Fundamentals in FD&A Unit 1

The Unit 1 course for fundamentals in fire detection & alarm (FD&A) systems is the first of two units designed to cover the guidance and recommendations detailed within BS 5839-1: 2017, Code of practice for design, installation, commissioning and maintenance of systems in non-domestic premises.

Unit 1 is a two-day course covering sections 1 to 3 of BS 5839-1. Sections 1 to 3 relate to the general requirements of FD&A systems, the design requirements to be taken into consideration, and important recommendations relating to the limitation of false alarms and unwanted fire alarm signals in relation to FD&A systems.

Once Unit 1 has been completed, delegates can then proceed onto Unit 2, which is also a two-day course. Unit 1 does not include an examination.

At the end of the Unit 2 course, delegates will take an examination to test their knowledge. During the exam, delegates are allowed access to a copy of BS 5839-1:2017. No other reference material will be allowed; delegates should only use BS 5839-1:2017.

For courses that take place within the classroom environment, a copy of BS 5839-1: 2017 will be provided for their use; this copy must be returned upon completion of the exam and must not leave the room.

For courses taking place on-line, delegates will need to have access to a copy of BS 5839-1: 2017. This copy can either be a hard copy or a digital pdf copy.

Delegates taking the Fundamentals course will receive a course book at the start of each unit. The course book will contain a copy of the slides used during the course, along with an explanation to accompany each slide and space to make their own learner notes. These books are to be retained by the delegates and are a useful reference tool for the work place.

For courses that take place within the classroom environment, a hard copy of the course notes will be provided at the start of the course. For courses taking place on-line, delegates will have access to the course notes digitally. Following the completion of Unit 1 delegates will be contacted and have the option to receive a hard copy of the course book in the post. Details on how to access the digital course book will be provided within the course invitation e-mail. Delegates will need to set up access to the digital course book prior to the start of the course.

No prior experience is required to take the fundamentals course, however any pre-existing knowledge of fire detection and alarm systems, or of BS 5839-1 would be beneficial.

For those with less than 1 year of experience.

We would recommend they start with the FIA Access course, it’s a course for beginners and gives them background knowledge - it is neither required nor linked to the Qualifications. After they should then proceed on to the Fundamental Qualifications.

For those wishing to undertake some prior reading before the course, we would recommend a book written by C S Todd, MBE, The Design, Installation, Commissioning and Maintenance of Fire Detection and Fire Alarm Systems in Non‑Domestic Premises. A Guide to BS 5839‑1:2017. 5th Edition.

During the first two days of the qualification, delegates will begin to learn the structure and format of BS 5839-1, and upon complete of the second day, delegates will have covered sections 1 to 3 of the code. This includes general requirement, design considerations and limitation of false alarms and unwanted fire alarm signals in relation to FD&A systems.

Once delegates have completed Unit 1, they will receive a certificate of completion by e-mail.

Yes, this training has 13 Hours CPD

  • Members - £300+VAT          Payable by invoice or debit/credit card
  • Non-members - £530+VAT Payable only by debit/credit card