Landlord reprimanded for second time in a year
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17 July 2015
A landlord in Oxford has been reprimanded for a second time within the space of a year over the safety conditions of property under his ownership.
Mr Jeffeth Juniour Latchman admitted seven charges in court, receiving fines totalling £7500.
An inspection at one property uncovered a number of fire safety breaches, such as the absence of smoke detectors and obstructions blocking potential fire escape routes.
The front and bedroom doors could also not be opened from the inside without a key, and Mr Latchman could not provide a gas safety certificate when asked for.
Inspectors found the general condition of the property was in a very poor state, to the extent that the ceiling eventually collapsed, with tenants having to use facilities in a neighbouring property.
Earlier this year, Mr Latchman was also hit with a £4500 fine after being found to have owned an unlicensed house of multiple occupation.
City council board member for housing, Scott Seamons said: ‘Landlords of HMOs have a legal duty to manage their properties and keep them in good repair.’
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